G023 A pair of jade Gang Mao

A pair of jade Gang Mao

G023 A pair of jade Gang Mao
G023 A pair of jade Gang Mao
G023 A pair of jade Gang Mao
G023 A pair of jade Gang Mao
G023 A pair of jade Gang Mao

G023 A pair of jade Gang Mao (one is 3.36cm in height; the other is 3.65cm in height)

Gang Mao: square column, no longer than inch. From the top to the bottom, there is a hole through the heart. There are inscriptions on all sides. It is worn by the ancients to avoid evil.            

On each side of the gang Mao, there were four poems and two sentences, eight words on each side. There were 32 words on all four sides. There are also thirty-four characters. Ten characters will be engraved on the first side.            

The font of gangmao is "Gushu"(殳書), one of the eight styles of Qin script. Originally, Gushu is a kind of weapon used by King’s guards. The Book of Songs has the words "Earl counts and walks before the king.". "Gu"(殳): on the one hand, it's one kind of weapons. On the other hand, when it's necessary for the person who is taking it, he simply records things on the "Gu"(殳) and becomes a book. Because things are too hasty and urgent, it's difficult to recognize most of the words because they are too many strokes are reduced or borrowed sound.

According to Chen Danian's "the examination of rigid Mao and strict Mao" (note 16), "the inscription of rigid Mao is the authentic of ancient Chinese calligraphy. After Han Dynasty, it has been more than two thousand years since the book was lost. Fortunately, it can only be seen that it exists on Gang Mao. "

Inscriptions of the thirty-two characters of gang Mao: "The first moon is just in its prime, and the spirit is in all directions. It is red, blue, white, and yellow. Four colors are proper. The emperor ordered Zhu Rong to teach Kui long, and I was brave enough to serve him. "

There are also thirty four characters engraved on the Gang Mao. In the first sentence, add the word "just in the center" and it will become "the first month rigid days in the center". On the first side, there will be ten characters.

Yan Mao's inscriptions are also thirty-two words: "in the day of illness, Yan Mao, the emperor made Kuihua, cautiously subdued the country, and subdued the spirit. It is not only straight, but also square, and the people are overworked. I am the only one who can do it. "

The meaning of "the first moon just Mao" should be: it is made on the first day of the first moon. In ten days, the ancients took the five days of a, C, e, G and I as the rigid days;

Take: the five days of B, D, F, H and J as the soft day.            

The great events of the ancient state: worship (internal affairs) and military (external affairs).            

According to the ceremony, "the hard day is used for foreign affairs, and the soft day is used for internal affairs.". "            The ancients believed that: Gangri, is auspicious, carved jade weariness, expel ghosts, its foreign affairs are no doubt.            The word "Mao" refers to this time.            

In the text of The origin , it said : "Mao, come up.". Everything comes out of the ground like a door. "... At this moment, the plague will be broken by the time of prime, and the cover will also be broken by the dawn of the sky. It is the time when the sun rises that can restrain ghosts and monsters. "

If you look at the simplicity of the inscriptions, you must use the script (the most authentic), which can prove that if there is a long time in a day, why do you need to use only the prime time?            

All of the above are authentic and common antiques! Naturally, there are also other things, such as: size differences, hexagonal columns, non engraved books, are occasionally seen.            

This authentic Han Dynasty Jade Gang Mao, there is a pair of, actually never seen before, and the quality of jade is very good, pure and implicit, with Tuqin natural and simple, strong ancient flavor. However, the caving method used in ancient times is that both sides are opposite to each other, and the hole is big at the top and small at the bottom. The whole instrument shows the simple and strong style, and the vigorous and stubborn script is unique. It's a treasure of gang Mao. It's very precious!                                                                                                                                                                                                            “Gang -Mao”, “ Si -Nan- Pai” and jade Weng- Zhong were called "three treasures of the Han Dynasty" in ancient times. It's worn on the body to ward off evil things!