E75 Jade Bi of Noblemen Driving Carriages

Jade Bi of Noblemen Driving Carriages

E75 Jade Bi of Noblemen Driving Carriages
E75 Jade Bi of Noblemen Driving Carriages

E75 Jade Bi of Noblemen Driving Carriages (Diameter: 6.52cm)

Bi's body is slightly bulging and full. On both sides are the figures of relief king, marquis and scholar bureaucrat. They are driving in three carriages with great momentum, vivid and lifelike!            

The horse is vigorous and majestic, with a bold style. It has a unique scene! It's antique, especially unique. It's tall, powerful, and subtle, giving people a kind of power to work hard!            

The exquisiteness of the whole device is absolutely incredible. This is a treasure of great historical and artistic value!