M001. A White Jade Pendant of a "Huan "Holding a Ganoderma and Lying on the Leaf

A White Jade Pendant of a "Huan "Holding a Ganoderma and Lying on the Leaf

M001. A White Jade Pendant of a "Huan "Holding a Ganoderma and Lying on the Leaf
M001. A White Jade Pendant of a "Huan "Holding a Ganoderma and Lying on the Leaf
M001. A White Jade Pendant of a "Huan "Holding a Ganoderma and Lying on the Leaf

M001. A White Jade Pendant of a "Huan "Holding a Ganoderma and Lying on the Leaf  (Yuan or Early Ming Dynasty,AD 1206-1644) Length: 7.77cm,Width: 5.23cm

 "HUAN (獾)"  is a cute little animal that still exists in the world. The pronunciation of HUAN (獾) is the same as the word “歡 (means happy)”. Since the Yuan Dynasty, the popular Geely language has been popular, and the popular gifts are fashionable. In the leaves, it is said to be "happy and loyal". Everyone knows that it is difficult to start a business and it is not easy to keep a business. Therefore, the good sign is more widely respected, people want to admire the body to bring good luck, but also can be clear on their minds!

It's two forefoot holding the grass grass Ganoderma lucidum, the meaning is more auspicious, there are rain holes under the Ganoderma lucidum can be worn. This ornamentation is a noble gift from the upper class.

 It is highly respected for gift-giving and self-use. It is still popular in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. This is one of the cute features of Chinese culture!