E49 Phoenix Pattern White Jade Mirror

Phoenix Pattern White Jade Mirror

E49 Phoenix Pattern White Jade Mirror
E49 Phoenix Pattern White Jade Mirror
E49 Phoenix Pattern White Jade Mirror
E49 Phoenix Pattern White Jade Mirror

E49 Phoenix Pattern White Jade Mirror (Diameter: 13.26cm) Jade mirrors were used in ancient times for ceremonies. For example, "Guanzi . chapter Qiangji " said: "the son of heaven brings jade  “jan” ( mirror )in spring and and brings tin “jan” (mirror ) in autumn. "  The word “jan” means “ judge”, refer to mirror. Whether a jade mirror can shine or not depends on whether the jade is bright and clear, and whether there is no candle. If so, the light can be recognized and has practical significance. In addition to being used in etiquette, jade mirrors are also used for martyrdom. For example, the legend of Jiang Yan, a southern historian, said that Xiangyang people opened ancient tombs and got jade mirrors and bamboo slips, the words on it cannot be recognized.  According to the book of "Shangshu, order of the emperor, notes of ”:  Jade mirror, the way of clear and clean. In ancient times, the mirror not only used for capacity identification, etiquette, decoration and martyrdom, but also had a mysterious function of exorcising evil. The legendary mirror can reflect the changing nature of evil. The people often hang the mirror on the door to ward off evil, so as to keep the house safe! The white jade mirror is calcified and round. The central half of the mirror is protruding and has holes to wear. Then there is a circle of plain ground. It is a circle of twisted silk pattern. On the small diagonal pattern ground of the whole device, four phoenix patterns are embossed around the inner ring; another circle of twisted silk pattern is embossed, six phoenix patterns slightly larger than the shallow relief are used as the outer circle pattern; the wall edge is a plain convex pattern, and the middle of the edge is slightly concave. All patterns are typical of the Warring States period, and the decorative art is very strong! The back surface is smooth and round convex surface, which is the jade mirror for practical function. In ancient times, the dragon pattern was used to represent the male of the emperor and the prime minister; the phoenix pattern was used to represent the female in the palace. Therefore, the Phoenix pattern is far less than the Dragon pattern. This precious jade mirror should be owned by the empress's queen or concubine. It is not the ordinary lady who can enjoy these sculptures!